Ted Axe
Golden Robot Recording artist Ted Axe is part of Canadian Punk Rock history as the notorious and legendary front man for The Action-"Canada's First Punk Band".
Opening for The Stranglers and chosen to tour with The Ramones,The Action garnered more press in one year than most self-respecting punk bands get in a lifetime and Ted became known as an entertaining provocateur and a powerful vocalist. The Action released one EP on Montreco Records containing their hit "TV's On The Blink" and then in true punk tradition self-destructed.
Ted has led his own bands since then and has lived and performed in London, LA and Seattle eventually forming Sister Hyde there. and signing to Steel Heart Records in 2007.
With his new self-release Sex,Violence,Horror produced by Rob Sanzo (Sum 41), Ted is getting world-wide radio-play and in June 2024 he signed a distribution deal with Golden Robot Records. He is currently performing dates in Canada and The US.
**** New video ''Isolate'' by Ted Axe- https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=rAmT02pZb5h63yWg&v=H5p0o0EgG4A&feature=youtu.be
Website & album & Ep Purchase - www.tedaxe.bandcamp.com
The Ted Axe Band -Marz-Lead Guitar, Derek Dark Lead and Rhythm Guitars,Stefan Sinister-Drums,Amador Ash-Bass.Ted Axe Lead vocals
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